Sunday 25 October 2015

Must we get naked for causes?


Anytime I see these images of people getting naked for a cause, it makes me ponder because I’m yet to understand the point of it. How do these sexualized images help the cause?

The celebrity below is alleged to have taken these images for 'no bra day' campaign which is about breast cancer awareness. If this is really the case, then these pictures are to help promote the cause of breast cancer.

While I appreciate the fact that these images get people to look, I’m really not sure of their impact in getting the lookers to direct their thoughts towards the causes that are supposedly the reason behind them. Or maybe, I am wrong and people really do think of prostate cancer and breast cancer when they look at these pictures. 
Or maybe, there is another way to get the message across and still stay creative.
All pictures are culled from lindaikeji blog

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