Sunday 19 August 2012

Don’t you think the make-up on your face is an indictment on your creator?

Genevieve Nnaji

“I don’t wear make-up. I don’t believe in it. We are all naturally pretty so why mess things up by putting all that coloured crap on the face? God made us beautiful in his own image, did HE not? If he wanted us to have rosy red cheeks, bright red lips or massively long eyelashes, I’m sure he would have put them on himself. He didn’t bother with all that because he didn’t think it was necessary to our beauty. People should stop ruining God’s perfect work by painting themselves in the name of make-up. When they do so, it’s as if they are saying, ‘God, you didn’t do a good enough job so I have to help.’"    

I know most of you, like moi, will be shaking your head but the writer really feels this way. I’m curious to hear what you think.

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