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“You know that neighbor that, sometimes, makes
you wish you had violent tendencies just so you could teach them a bitter
lesson? Well, I have one of those and it’s not funny.
My neighbor drives me crazy and we don’t even
live in the same building. She drives fancy cars and has a rich husband but she
is so selfish, greedy and her most annoying trait is her belief that she’s
smarter than everyone else.
We go to the same church and to raise funds
for our church building, we sold tickets for dinner at a 4-star hotel. I was
one of the ticket sellers and my neighbor collected one which she used for the
event. I saw her there. Can you imagine my surprise later that night when she sent
her gateman to return the used ticket to me? I ended up paying for the ticket
because I’d signed for it – and she never even spoke about her reasons for
doing what she did.
Another time, she came to visit me and when
she was leaving, I gave her a bottle of red wine from my mini bar. My shameless
neighbor – without blinking an eye or even saying a word to me - dropped the
wine and pretended to mistakenly pick up a bottle of champagne instead; I was dumbfounded.
Some other day, we went for a neighbor’s house
party. Do you know this woman, with all her wealth, actually took bottled
drinks home? She didn’t care that the host would have to pay for the shortage
of bottles and when I asked her why she was taking home bottled soft drinks
that cost less than a dollar each, the evil woman ignored me.
Also, my domestic staff (house help and
gateman) complained that anytime she comes around, she’d ask how I was treating
them and if I was a good employer or not – like it was her business.
Many times, I have taken her children with me
to paid events and she never offers to reimburse me; she doesn’t even say
‘thank you’. Not that I’m asking for her gratitude or my money back but either
of these things is a sign of appreciation of my neighborly gestures. Maybe she thinks
if she does them, I might get the courage to ask her to pay me back.
A couple of times, she’s driven past me as I
walked along the road (because my car was at the repair shop) and pretended not
to see me. I know she saw me those times because she’d make comments to me
about not wanting to associate with people who were not on her financial level
lest they decide to ask her for money. Maybe for her, my walking is a sign of
possible money troubles and she wanted no part of it.
I know you’ll wonder why I still relate with
her but it’s hard not to because she lives next door and she’s older so I feel
the need to respect her. Oh, but sometimes, I wish I could scream at her but since
I don’t have the guts, I guess I just have to deal with her. Or maybe I should ask my husband if we can move.”
I know how you feel cos I've had a neighbor from hell too when I lived in a smal flat and we all had to share parking. Do you know this lady would park her car in front of the gate, claiming she's in a hurry/ Then she wont come out for hours and we'll all be stuck. She did it all the time that I gave up and started leaving my car outside the gated building at the risk of having the car stripped my car thieves. One time, another tenant decided to teach her a lesson by leaving his car in front of the gate. She called him to move it and he refused to come out. When she kept calling, he gave her his key to move the car and she bashed his car against the gate. Imagine. Horrible woman. I was glad to move from that place just so I wont have to see her again
Wow, don't envy the Lady with the terrible neighbour! I guess we all have had our fair share of realllllly annoying neighbours ranging from the show-offs even when "nothing dey", to the know-it all"deputy landlord",to the extremely loud ones and the list goes on and on. The morale of the story for me is to always treat people the exact way you will like to be treated.
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