Tuesday, 10 November 2015

I love you …oh please!

Image: hdwallpaperstab.com

Anytime I hear that phrase, I can’t help but roll my eyes and purse my lips. It is hard not to considering the phrase, or is it a sentence, I love you’ is the most abused phrase in the entire English language. At least, this is my opinion. And why do I feel this way? Oh well…

Nowadays between friends, it seems the proverbial ‘I’ll see you later’ has been replaced with ‘I love you’. Acquaintances use the phrase between themselves; you watch TV and people who are more of colleagues than friends, use the phrase between themselves. And this is the same in real life too. I walk around, trying not to wince at the ‘Love you’ flying around so casually between people. It used to be more common with women but even the men seem to have embraced it as well, throwing around ‘Love you man’ with abandon. Brand new relationships with barely any trials between them use the phrase without thought…and then these same people break up the next day, making me wonder …WTH?

Real love is not superficial in any way which is probably why the most likely place to find it is between parents and their children – and not even always. I am not saying that there are no people out there who share real love between them but if you really look at it, most of us seem to just love the idea of love. We love quickly and once things get a little rough, we stop loving just as fast. We blow air kisses to people we barely see outside of work or play and throw ‘I love you’ to them but once our lives stop to meet in those areas, we forget about them so quickly. You see some VIPs or celebrities go from partying with two hundred of their closest friends (how can anyone have two hundred close friends?) to barely having enough friends to count on one hand when their circumstances change and it is depressing because this suggests that our definition of love is warped.

‘I love you man’…. ‘ I love you girl, I am so proud of you’ drips easily from their lips but when the lives of the people they supposedly love and are proud of change for the worse, they flee without apology or for those with some conscience, they simply try to ignore the existence of that person. Now, is that love? Not to me.


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