Friday, 17 August 2012

Can a woman have it all?

Former Cosmopolitan editor, Helen Gurley Brown, coined the famous phrase ‘having it all’. She died Aug. 13 2012
Is it possible for a woman to have a successful career and personal life at the same time? Can a woman have it all? Helen Gurney Brown believed so and while some called her a genius, there are those who think she sold an impossible dream to women for no one can have it all; something must suffer in the passionate pursuit of both personal and professional success.

Some of our classic modern day women, and a couple of guys, had something to say about this:

Tonia: All relationships have compromise but it’s more when you want to manage career and personal life.

Utchay: A woman can have a successful professional and personal life but it has to be with sacrifices and compromises.

Unis: Yes. I feel it’s all dedication, commitment, confidence – no complex or anything like that.  Married or single, you can have it all. It’s all about your attitude to life; being happy and content with where you are.

Henrie: Yes. But she would be a truly outstanding individual to do so. I daresay there must be challenges, issues, sacrifices or compromise that must come with it. It can never be a smooth sail. A woman is created to multi task and God has embedded a unique ability in a woman to absorb pressure easier than a man. The biggest challenge is to maintain equilibrium with both the career and the home front.  

Jenny: No one can have it all. To have success in both career and personal life, there would be issues, sacrifices and compromises.

Dinma:  A woman can be successful in career and personal life depending on her definition of success. 

Ogeritz: No one can. Not limited to women alone though.

ObyChampagne: Honestly, no. Unless you are that very rare breed - a perfect woman.

Obyfly: You can’t have it all. Something is always lacking somewhere.

Robert: I seriously doubt it. There has to be sacrifices and compromises along the way for her to have a successful career and personal time due to time considerations and conflicting schedules.

El: Having it all is subjective and really depends on what you think is ‘all’. So, yeah, I think a woman can have it all because it’s entirely about what ‘all’ means to her.

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