Thursday, 30 August 2012

I don’t go for confession with my priest anymore because he planted doubts in me about my wife

Image of someone in confession with a piest (
“I’m a Catholic and I love my faith so much but as with everything in life, there are those who, sometimes, put a bad name on a good thing and my priest has done that.

My priest did the most demoralizing thing to me some time ago and I’m sharing this story on an anonymous platform like this so that people can weigh in for me. I’m hoping someone will tell me I have a right to feel the way I do about what happened with my priest at that time. " 

One evening, I went for confessions in church and met my wife at the confessional, waiting her turn. We were happy to have run into each other, particularly my wife because she liked us doing spiritual activities together but I could never make the time. I was right after my wife and when she finished, I went to the priest and said my confession. You can imagine the weirdness of it when the priest asked me if the woman before me was my wife. Sensing I would not like what he had to say, I almost said no but then, I remembered I was at the confessional and lying at that time would defeat my purpose of being there so I said yes. With a funny expression on his face, the priest said I had to take my prayer life very very seriously, gave me my penance and discharged me.
It took me a few seconds to stand up as I debated in my mind whether I should ask him what he meant by that comment. Yes, I had confessed that I never made myself available to my wife for the many spiritual things she wanted us to do together but I didn’t think it was serious enough for the priest to make a cryptic comment to me. She must have said something else but what? Common sense (if that’s what it was) prevailed and I stood up reluctantly and went home. At home, I watched my wife, wanting to ask her what she’d told the priest but somehow, I could not muster the courage to do so. Besides, confessions are private – between a man and his God and no one else, and my priest had abused his position as our confessor by making such a cryptic comment which planted weird thoughts in my head. Since that day, I’ve refused to go for confessions with my priest and in fact, I almost hate him for what he did. It was just plain wrong. When I want to have my confessions, I go somewhere else. Meanwhile, I still wonder what my wife told the priest and it’s eating away at me.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hah!! I don't even know what to say. But I feel you brother if that's any consolation. Me too, I dodge my priest sometimes because i don't like the idea of confessing to someone who knows me so well. Not that I've done anything out of the ordinary but know now. As for your wife, my brother, ehhmmm, I think you have to move on. She might not have said anything, or she might have but since you'll never know, just forget about it. And that priest wa o!! He didn't try at all. Am sure he's one young priest cos I can only blame inexperience